DemoThis vignette shows how to extract a Google Earth Engine asset by name for an arbitrary extent and visualize it in R.
First, we load {rgeedim}.
If you have the necessary Python dependencies installed (geedim, earthengine-api), you will see the versions printed out when the package is loaded.
If this is your first time using any Google Earth Engine tools,
authenticate with gd_authenticate()
You can pass arguments to use several different authorization
methods. Perhaps the easiest to use is auth_mode="notebook"
in that does not rely on an existing
file nor an installation of
the gcloud
CLI tools. However, the other options are better
for non-interactive use.
You only need to authenticate periodically, depending on the method you used.
In each session we need to call gd_initialize()
. This is
a wrapper function around geedim.Initialize()
that must be
run before using the Python Google Earth Engine API.
Note that with auth_mode="gcloud"
you need to specify
the project via project=
argument, in your default
configuration file or via system environment variable
. The authorization tokens
generated for auth_mode="notebook"
are always associated
with a specific project.
Perhaps the simplest way to specify the target extent is
using the xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax arguments to gd_bbox()
. This
function returns a Python object equivalent to GeoJSON, which
is interchangeably represented as a simple list
object in
R using {reticulate}.
As is standard for GeoJSON, coordinates of the bounding box
are expressed in WGS84 decimal degrees ("OGC:CRS84"
). Note
that longitude, latitude (X, Y) coordinate pair order is implied.
We can find IDs of assets of interest using the Google Earth Engine data catalog: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog
To obtain an R object reference to the asset we pass the
to gd_image_from_id()
. For example here
we use Global
SRTM Topographic Diversity:
will return
will return
Now we pass the image result to gd_download()
. We can
specify output filename
and target area as
arguments. See gd_bbox()
for examples
of making a region argument from bounding coordinates or a {terra}
Other options that can be passed to the
method include scale
which allows warping of the result to a target resolution. Try modifying
this example to use scale=90
(~native SRTM resolution):
img <- gd_download(x, filename = 'image.tif',
region = r, scale = 900,
overwrite = TRUE, silent = FALSE
(invisibly) returns the
on successful download, which helps to “pipe” into
functions that might read the result.
So we can use the {terra} rast()
function to read the
GeoTIFF gd_download()
This example demonstrates the download of a section of the USGS NED seamless 10m grid. This DEM is processed locally with {terra} to calculate some terrain derivatives (slope, aspect) and a hillshade.
b <- gd_bbox(
xmin = -120.296,
xmax = -120.227,
ymin = 37.9824,
ymax = 38.0071
## hillshade example
# download 10m NED DEM in AEA
x <- "USGS/3DEP/10m" |>
gd_image_from_id() |>
region = b,
scale = 10,
crs = "EPSG:5070",
resampling = "bilinear",
filename = "image.tif",
bands = list("elevation"),
overwrite = TRUE,
silent = FALSE
dem <- rast(x)$elevation
# calculate slope, aspect, and hillshade with terra
slp <- terrain(dem, "slope", unit = "radians")
asp <- terrain(dem, "aspect", unit = "radians")
hsd <- shade(slp, asp)
# compare elevation v.s. hillshade
plot(c(dem, hillshade = hsd))
Subsets of the "USGS/3DEP/10m"
image result in
multi-band GeoTIFF with "elevation"
bands. In the contiguous US we know the DEM is
continuous so the FILL_MASK
is not that useful. With geedim
>1.7 we retrieve only the "elevation"
band by specifying
argument bands = list("elevation")
. This cuts the raw image
size that we need to download in half.
Many Google Earth Engine assets of interest are “collections.” These assets contain data for several bands, dates, processes, resolutions, etc. There are standard ways that these collections can be aggregated; also, custom processing can be achieved through the Earth Engine API or by downloading data to your computer and working offline.
Filters on date and data quality are possible with
; many processes on collections cannot proceed
without first “searching” it. We can quickly inspect search results with
A key step in many processes involving image collections is the use
of gd_composite()
to re-sample (or otherwise “combine”)
component images of interest from the collection into a single layer.
These operations are often performed on the server-side prior to
download. A composite image can also be made automatically through
(which defaults to
). Setting composite=FALSE
allow individual images to be downloaded as separate GeoTIFF without
aggregation to a single layer.
This example demonstrates how to access 1-meter LiDAR data from the
USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). LiDAR data are not available
everywhere, and are generally available as collections of tiles for
specific dates. We will use gd_search()
to narrow down the
# search and download composite from USGS 1m lidar data collection
# wkt->SpatVector->GeoJSON
b <- 'POLYGON((-121.355 37.56,-121.355 37.555,
-121.35 37.555,-121.35 37.56,
-121.355 37.56))' |>
vect(crs = "OGC:CRS84")
# create a GeoJSON-like list from a SpatVector object
# (most rgeedim functions arguments for spatial inputs do this automatically)
r <- gd_region(b)
# search collection for an area of interest
a <- "USGS/3DEP/1m" |>
gd_collection_from_name() |>
gd_search(region = r)
# inspect individual image metadata in the collection
# resampling images as part of composite; before download
x <- a |>
gd_composite(resampling = "bilinear") |>
gd_download(region = r,
crs = "EPSG:5070",
scale = 1,
filename = "image.tif",
overwrite = TRUE,
silent = FALSE) |>
# inspect
plot(project(b, x), add = TRUE)
The small sample extent covers only one tile, but in larger examples LiDAR data sources co-occur or span larger extents with variable coverage.
This example downloads each component image of the DAYMET climate collection “daily precipitation” layers into a temporary folder as separate GeoTIFFs. These individual images can be further aggregated or processed outside of Google Earth Engine.
# search and download individual images from daymet V4
r <- gd_bbox(
xmin = -121,
xmax = -120.5,
ymin = 38.5,
ymax = 39
# search collection for spatial and date range (one week in January 2020)
gd_collection_from_name('NASA/ORNL/DAYMET_V4') |>
gd_search(region = r,
start_date = "2020-01-21",
end_date = "2020-01-27") -> res
# get table of IDs and dates
p <- gd_properties(res)
td <- file.path(tempdir(), "DAYMET_V4")
# create a new collection using gd_collection_from_list()
# download each image as separate GeoTIFF (no compositing)
# Note: `filename` is a directory
gd_collection_from_list(p$id) |>
filename = td,
composite = FALSE,
dtype = 'int16',
region = r,
bands = list("prcp"),
crs = "EPSG:5070",
scale = 1000
) |>
rast() -> x2
# filter to bands of interest (if neeeded)
x2 <- x2[[names(x2) == "prcp"]]
# set time for each layer
time(x2) <- p$date
title(ylab = "Daily Precipitation (mm)")