Added "dbf", "numpy", "psutil", "pandas" to SSURGO Portal python dependencies list (#7)
Add ssurgo_portal()
request types: "getrecordlistbytable", "generaterasters", "logjavascripterror", "getsdvattributesbyfolder", "getsdvratingoptions", "generateaggregation", "sortratingtable", "exportratingresults" (#8)
and added support for using custom virtual environment python executables to run the SSURGOPortal .pyz. Uses {reticulate} to manage installation of Python, creation of virtual environments, installation of dependencies, etc.install_ssurgo_portal()
: Updated to Web Soil Survey as source URL for beta version of SSURGO Portal .PYZ file
gains src
argument to specify URL source of .PYZ for install
.PYZ files are now automatically patched to remove Python version limit
On Python versions other than 3.9 and 3.10 the user is responsible for installing the necessary dependencies: gdal
, bottle
, and jsonschema
. I.e. python -m pip install gdal bottle jsonschema
Note that some pre-compiled wheel files are available for Windows ( which can help if you encounter issues building gdal
Initial R package paired with alpha release of "SSURGO Portal"
Added experimental patches for use of "SSURGO Portal" on macOS and Linux.